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“Prayer CAUSES things to Happen.” – John Piper

At Revelstoke Baptist we recognize that anything good happens ‘BY the Power of GOD’, not Us.
And so, in ALL circumstances we will come before our KING and ASK HIM.

We will be Having Prayer walks several times a year.

Prayer time Sunday mornings before the service in the Prayer room (9:30) and during the service too.

Prayer meetings among different community groups.

Corporate Prayer on Sunday, and at ‘Secret Church’.

Prayer Requests

If you have something you would like to pray for please email us at Let us know if it is ok to pray on Sunday morning/prayer meetings …. Or on the prayer chain confidentially, or just the pastors confidentially.


“do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Phil. 4:6

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