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The Team

Who We Are


Jordan Eadie

Lead Pastor

After years in business with woodworking and photography, Jordan followed call of God into pastoral ministry in 2015.  Jordan has a deep love for Jesus and His bride (the church) and a heart for the lost sheep.  His favorite thing to do is spend time with his beautiful wife Jen and their four children. 

His second favorite thing is to annoy his kids with his (not mainstream enough) taste in music.

"Someday when you're the parent, you'll get to control the stereo."

Fav verse - Romans 1:16


    Nicole Ellis

    Church Administrator

    Nicole joined our staff as Church Administrator in December of 2022.  Nicole grew up in Victoria, BC and left the Island in 2000 with a three
    year old son and a dream of something more with life. She met Anthony and found love.  Nicole’s
    favorite way to spend time is learning skin care, and new makeup, little crafts, and
    reconnecting with the family. 
    Ephesians 1:11-12
    In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works
    out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, in order that we, who were the first to
    put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of His glory



    Tyrel Grahahm

    Elder - Chair

    Matt Angus



    Ho-jun Lee


    Andreas Mostert



    Anthony Ellis

    Admin Board Chair

    Erica Fairly

    Admin Board Treasurer


    Jeff Beaudet

    Admin Board

    Linda Angus

    Admin Board


    Linda serves on our Board of Administration, this is her first year and she is looking forward to seeing what God has in store for her.  Linda grew up in the Columbia River Valley and the Revelstoke area before moving to Kamloops, and has since returned to Revelstoke.  She’s married to Matt Angus and they have one daughter.  Linda hopes for us to become more like a family as a body of believers and to support and encourage one another more so we can be more effective in serving Him and carrying out His work.  Linda loves the outdoors and makes the most beautiful cards.


    Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.                                                       Eph. 3:20


    Shane Heath

    Admin Board

    Jacob Friesen

    Admin Board


    Patrick Witlox

    Admin Board

    Marion Heath



    Marion joined our staff in 2022 and serves as our church Custodian.  As a follower of Jesus Christ, she loves to learn and grow in her faith with her Church family through prayer, and Bible study.  Marion is from a small community of Bulwer in the Eastern Townships of Quebec, and together with her husband they moved to Revelstoke and started a family.  She is the proud Mother of Micah, Naomi, and Elijah.  One thing Marion absolutely loves to do is go for long walks on the forest trails with her family on Sunday afternoons.


    “For now we see through a glass darkly; but then face to face:  Now I know in part, but then shall know even as also I am known.                                      Corinthians 13:12

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